Issue 33
Virtually every review I read of Colin Dexter’s last Morse novel, The Remorseful Day, used the phrase "Reichenbach Falls", tying in the death of Morse at the hands of his creator with the death of Sherlock Holmes. It reveals how potent the Holmes legend is today and how he has become one of the greatest icons of this century and a rich reference point...
The death of Morse raises question about other middle-aged detective who, in reality, should be collecting their pension now. But time and death are no barriers to such characaters. Thank goodness.
The news and views column - SHERLOCK - THE LATER YEARS
Part One of David Stuart Davies’ look at The Master Blackmailer - CANONICAL INTRODUCTIONS
The Naval Treaty - Part two (continued from the previous issue) - GIANT RATS
Toby Earnshaw considers rodent pastiches and the giant rat of Sumatra - CRIME OR CHARACTER? PLOT OR PERSONALITY?
Kathryn White reasons which is more important in Sherlock Holmes and in other detective stories - THE OTHER DETECTIVES
Peter Foord cross the channel to track down Maigret - A CLASH OF THE TITANS
Paul M Chapman on the connection between Sherlokc Holmes and Jack the Ripper - HOLMES OF THE MOVIES
David Stuart Davies reviews The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother, starring Gene Wilder and Marty Feldman - SCARLET THREADS
Gaynor Coules read Roger Barnard in her regular series on contemporary crime writers - TELLY ’TECS
Brian Adrian on the small screen detectives with disabilities - HOLMES OFF THE CUFF
John Hall begins a new series on the life of Sherlock Holmes. Adapted from his study Holmes Perceived, published by Calabash Press - THE FESTIVAL DIARY
David Stuart Davies reports back from the Sherlock Holmes Festival at which the new Holmes statue was unveiled in Baker Street - THE ADVENTURE OF THE RICHMOND HORROR
The concluding part of Denis O Smith’s exciting Sherlock Holmes story - THE INTERVIEW
Michael Cox, producer of Granada Television’s Sherlock Holmes series talks to SHERLOCK magazine - SLEUTHING THE SHELVES
Kathryn White oversees another bumper selection of books in the reviews pages - UNDER THE GASLIGHT
Roger Forsdyke goes grave digging in his regular foray into Victorian crime and criminals - SHERLOCK STATESIDE
Pat Ward with the latest news from America - GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER
Mike Ripley salutes the death of Morse, and further probes the "Reichenbach Syndrome", where writers decided to kill off the heroes of their books - SOCIETIES FORUM
Conducted by Roger Johnson, with Richard Stacpoole-Ryding on The Friends of Doctor Watson